How charming...

おいでやす~ Welcome to This Fleeting World, the TFL.Org-approved fanlisting for the Golden Age of Japan, the Heian period (平安時代). Running from approximately 794 to 1185 CE, the Heian era was unparelleled in its peace and cultural richness, producing some of history's greatest and most enduring art, poetry, and literature, and introduced the world to the genius of many women writers such as Sei Shounagon (清少納言), Murasaki Shikibu (紫式部), and Ono no Komachi (小野小町), and their works -- including Shounagon's charming diary, The Pillow Book (枕草子), and the world's first novel, Murasaki's The Tale of Genji (源氏物語). If you're a fan of the beautiful and fascinating final era of classical Japanese history, please do add your name to the fanlisting!

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