...to Elegance and Etiquette, the TFL-approved fanlisting for the Regency era. Spanning approximately from 1795 to 1837 (though more officially being the period between 1811 to 1820 -- when George, Prince of Wales, was appointed prince regent, to when his father, King George III, passed away, and the Prince officially became King George IV), the Regency period was a time of elegance, subtle wit, high culture, and poetic beauty. If you're a fan of this still inspiring era and what it encompasses, please do join the fanlisting!
You're viewing version 1 of Elegance and Etiquette, sweets for the sweet, featuring a painting of the same name by Edmund Blair Leighton, and brushes from AmarieVeanne-Stock. It should be able to be viewed on all devices at all resolutions, but if this isn't the case for you, please do take a screenshot and send it to me, and I'll see if I can fix it ASAP!