sun, sea, sand~
Welcome to Happiness Comes in Waves, the TFL-approved fanlisting for the most versatile and lovely spots in nature, beaches. Being an inveterate water baby and a typical Pisces to boot, I'm always happiest when the sea breeze is in my hair and the sand's beneath my toes -- if you can relate to that, please pick up a seashell and add your name to the fanlisting!
A big thank you to Nemi of Silent Fanlistings for allowing me to adopt this fanlisting! ♥
[ become one? ♥ ]
aromatic // seaspray
You're viewing version 1 of Happiness Comes In Waves, peninsular bliss, featuring brushes from wegraphics and 1001Graphics, and a photograph of my favourite place on the entire planet, Scarborough Beach, taken by yours truly on one of the happiest birthdays I've ever had ♥ It should be able to be viewed on all devices at all resolutions, but if this isn't the case for you, please do take a screenshot and send it to me, and I'll see if I can fix it ASAP!